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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Nine - 20 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Nine - 20 November 2023 - Page 8

Iranian media outlets condemn Israeli crimes against journalists

In a unified voice, 700 Iranian media outlets, including news agencies, newspapers, news websites, and journals, issued a statement condemning the atrocities committed by Israel in killing people and journalists during the Gaza war.
The statement expressed deep sorrow over the deaths of 50 journalists in Gaza, citing intentional targeting of their homes at the hands of Israeli forces.
The media outlets highlighted that these attacks have, on numerous occasions, resulted in the deaths of family members of the journalists, along with the massacre of over 12,300 of people in Gaza, including thousands of women and children.
“We, Iranian media outlets, condemn with a heart full of sorrow the target killing of journalists in Gaza by the occupying Zionist regime,” the statement reads.
The media outlets emphasized the necessity of expressing condolences to freedom-seeking people worldwide over the genocide in Gaza. They expressed hope for collective efforts to prevent attempts  aimed at hiding these inhumane actions from the world and to facilitate the return of the land to its rightful owners.
The statement concluded by honoring the memories of those killed in Gaza and characterizing the crimes as a confirmation of Israel's "tyrannical nature and its supporters’ cruelties."

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