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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Seven - 18 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Seven - 18 November 2023 - Page 5

Biden’s support for Israel, Arab public opinion pose threat to US

By Syed Ali Hassan
Iran Daily’s correspondent in Pakistan
According to a report by a Western media outlet, the US administration, through a diplomatic cable from the American embassy in the Arab capital, Oman, has informed President Biden that anti-American sentiments among the youth in the Arab world have reached a dangerous level. The diplomatic cable also highlights that American embassies in the Arab world have received serious warnings, indicating that traditional American support in the Arab world has suffered due to unwavering support for Israel's destructive and aggressive military campaign.
As per the published excerpts of the cable, there is deep concern in the Arab and Islamic world about the appointments of American diplomats in Arab countries, with growing resentment against the United States. This resentment has intensified since the beginning of military actions by Israel against Hamas immediately after the start of hostilities.
The cable warns that in the Arab world, attacks on Israeli cities are perceived as acts of war crimes, holding the United States morally and ethically responsible. The cable, dispatched from the embassy in Muscat, includes communications from several American ambassadors in Arab capitals, addressed not only to the American President but also to the White House National Security Council, the CIA, and the FBI.
Appointments made by senior officials in embassies, as conveyed in the cable sent by top officials of the embassies to the Middle East, indicate a rising anti-American wave in Arab societies. These threats are being acknowledged by American policymakers, leading the United States to adopt a flexible stance from its previous hardline position. Consequently, a few hours of ceasefire have been initiated to provide basic humanitarian aid, including food, water, and medicines, to people deprived due to the conflict.
It is emphasized that the demand for the unilateral release of Israeli prisoners of war, which the United States is advocating during these few hours of ceasefire, is not based on justice. Hamas has already rejected such demands, and even after a week of ground attacks by Israel, the Israeli military has not been able to recover the prisoners of war from October 7.
There is a possibility that even if Israel declares the release of all Palestinians arrested or abducted in the past eight to ten years, Hamas may still be ready to negotiate the release of prisoners of war. Despite Israel's occupation of Gaza, Hamas cannot be eliminated. Israel will have to face prolonged resistance indefinitely, and it is possible that supporters and humanitarians from various parts of the world may arrive to aid Hamas and the people of Gaza.
The Biden administration and the forced support for Israel have been duly noted, recognizing that global public opinion does not align with them. Western governments are under tremendous pressure to rethink their support for Israeli aggression. The ongoing presidential election campaign in the United States has begun, and President Biden will have to confront the public. At that time, Biden will have to face not resistance but opposition.
I believe that the Democratic Party will keep Biden away from future presidential elections as per the demand of democracy. The requirement of democracy is that an unpopular person should not be brought into the field. If the support for Israel continues, it will become a reason to end an ancient tradition of American politics.


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