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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Five - 15 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Five - 15 November 2023 - Page 8

Oldest plaster furnace unearthed in Western Iran

ISNA – Archaeologists at the Chogha Golan site in Iran’s western province of Ilam discovered the country’s oldest plaster furnace.
The Chogha Golan archaeological site in the Mehran district is renowned for having the most settlements, dating back to the Neolithic era.
Despite its significance, research on the Neolithic transition and the beginning of agriculture and settlements in Iran has received comparatively little attention compared to neighboring Western Asian countries.
Archaeologists argue that extensive and long-term excavations not only provide invaluable information into the nature of human arrival into the Neolithic world in the Zagros Mountains but also establish a foundation for preventing further destruction through protective measures.
The archaeological exploration of Chogha Golan began in mid-October 2023, led by Hojjat Darabi, an associate professor of archaeology at Razi University in Kermanshah.
Regarding the latest findings from the first season of the Chogha Golan excavation, Darabi stated that significant discoveries have been made regarding architectural structures, residential and ritual spaces, as well as industrial structures at the site.
Darabi also proposed the establishment of a site-museum and archaeological park at Chogha Golan as one of the ideas and goals of the excavation program.

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