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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Five - 15 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Five - 15 November 2023 - Page 5

US Pleads with Axis of Resistance

The United States, as the main supporter of Israel in attacking the people of Gaza, has, on the one hand, provided all kinds of military equipment to the Israeli regime and neutralized any plan and proposal for a cease-fire in international institutions and, on the other hand, not kept its fears of the spreading of the war secret.
In the latest example of Washington’s moves to prevent the escalation of the war and its scope, it has sent a secret message to Lebanon’s Hezbollah. Iran’s foreign minister revealed that the US has been sending messages to Tehran as well.
The Lebanese newspaper Ad-Diyar quoted informed sources that the United States sent a message to Hezbollah through a third channel, stressing that the US Army would not participate in field operations alongside the Israeli Army.
In the message, it is stated that their dispatch of about 2,000 military personnel, most of whom are advisers, was not aimed at participating in the field operations of the Israeli Army in the Gaza Strip and the northern front. Rather, their mission purportedly is to provide security and protect the nuclear facilities in the occupied territories. The first facility in question is in the Dimona region and the second one is in the Tibnah desert region.
This message also states that the mission requires that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing cabinet are not allowed to use these facilities, either on a small tactical level, or on a large regional level, against Iran. It was also emphasized that the cutting-edge air defense technologies that were implemented in these two facilities will prevent any party in the axis of resistance from targeting them.
Ad-Diyar newspaper added that these clarifications were conveyed to the resistance leadership, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, exclusively through a Lebanese channel trusted by all parties. It is believed that the channel is linked to the former director of Lebanon’s General Directorate of General Security Major General Abbas Ibrahim.
Earlier, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, also said that the Americans have sent a message to Iran at least twice, and that this message makes two points. The first point is that we in the White House do not want to expand the war, and the second point is that we want Iran to exercise restraint. In some messages, it was emphasized that Iran should advise other countries, parties, and activists to also exercise restraint.
On November 5, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani in an unexpected trip to Baghdad. A day after the meeting, Al-Sudani visited Tehran, which fueled suspicion that the Iraqi PM was the bearer of a message from the US to Tehran about the war in Gaza.
Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh also announced in a recent speech that the Americans have sent messages to Iran. He denied the rumor of threats made by Washington against Iran, saying “The Americans have not threatened Iran. Their correspondence — and sometimes they corresponded with Iran three times in one day — was all in the language of pleas and requests.” He underlined that Iran is not in a position in which anyone wants to threaten it. “We are at the peak of power and have prepared ourselves for all conditions.”
The reports suggest that the main point of the US’s pleading messages to the various sides of the resistance, including Iran and Hezbollah, is the demand for restraint in order to prevent the expansion of the war. It seems that the Americans are better aware of the ability of the resistance to create problems for Israel than the Israelis are. However, as Iran’s foreign minister has emphasized, the expectation of restraint from the resistance must be accompanied by pressure on Israel to accept a cease-fire and end the killing of the people of Gaza.
Otherwise, the US will be responsible for unexpected conditions on the battlefield.


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