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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Four - 14 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Four - 14 November 2023 - Page 8

Clear breaches of Swedish laws in Nouri’s trial

Why, according to Thomas Bodström, Hamid Nouri’s Swedish lawyer and the former minister of justice, has his case tarnished the reputation of Sweden and the Swedish judicial system?
 Violation of fair trial rights
 Breach of the principle of equal arms
 Arbitrary detention of the defendant
 Disregard for the presumption of innocence
 Ignoring the principle of in dubio pro reo (interpreting doubt in favor of the accused)
 Violation of the basic rights of the accused
 Breach of privacy
 Blocking access to exculpatory evidence for the defendant’s lawyers
 Not removing detention restrictions after the completion of interrogation and court sessions
 Blocking the defendant’s access to medical care
 Violation of the right of the prisoner to be safe from assault
 Prosecutor’s disregard for exculpatory evidence
 Lack of field investigations by the prosecutor
 Police torture and violence towards the accused
 Violation of the principle of equality of rights between complainant and accused, supporting human rights violators and terrorists
 Abduction and assistance in setting a trap
 Neglect of fundamental rights and freedoms of the accused
 Violation of the rules governing evidence gathering for self-defense (violation of the right of access)
 Failure to preserve and disclose the defendant’s secrets and making attempts to prevent the dissemination of the defendant’s image and other details and information
 Denial of the right to choose a proficient and impartial translator for the accurate conveyance of legal concepts
 Not documenting accusatory evidence
 Violation of Article 9.1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
 Disregard for human rights and dignity
 Violation of the right to inform the family of the accused of the state of his detention
 Failure of the prosecutors to examine the crime scene and discover the truth
 Failure of the judge to hear the accused’s rights violation in prison
 Disregard for the right of the prisoner to meet with his family
 Failure to observe the principle of judicial security
 Detaining the accused on baseless, speculative charges for a record-breaking period

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