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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Three - 13 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Three - 13 November 2023 - Page 8

Energy ministers of five countries due in Tehran for IEE

The energy ministers of Pakistan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan will arrive in Tehran this week to participate in the inaugural ceremony of the 23rd edition of the Iran Int’l Electricity Exhibition (IEE).
The 23rd edition of the expo and the first edition of the Iran Electricity Industry Tech Market Festival will kick off in Tehran tomorrow, Tasnim news agency reported.
A total of 474 domestic firms and representatives of 110 foreign companies from 12 countries, including Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany, China, South Korea, Croatia, Turkey, Spain, India, Slovenia, Poland and Japan will take part in the IEE 2023 exhibition to showcase their latest products and achievements, while 259 scientific centers and knowledge-based companies will participate in the First Iran Electricity Industry Tech Market Festival.
The IEE is held annually in the country with the participation of a great number of competent domestic and foreign companies and provides the opportunity for domestic companies active in the power industry to display their latest products and achievements.
In this edition of the exhibition, products will be supplied in the fields of electricity generation, transmission, distribution, high-, mid- and low- voltage pressure, electrical equipment; types of electrical panels, lighting equipment, smart equipment, diesel generator and electric motors, battery and UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply), cathode protection systems, transformer, wire and cable, industrial automation and instrumentation, measuring equipment, contractor, consultant, scientific research and research centers, power transmission lines and related equipment, medium- and low-voltage substations, and renewable energies.
The exhibition will run through November 17.

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