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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Nine - 08 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Nine - 08 November 2023 - Page 7

Water crisis looms as country’s watersheds extremely dry

Iran’s Minister of Energy has expressed concern over the critical water shortage, equating it to a matter of life and death. He emphasized that each individual bears a significant responsibility in managing the country’s water resources.
Highlighting the unpredictable nature of climate change, the Minister pointed out that Iran has experienced alternating periods of increased rainfall, decreased rainfall, and prolonged droughts, Tasnim News Agency reported.
According to a recent report by the Supreme Water Council, almost all of the country’s watersheds are currently classified as either very dry or dry based on rainfall data from the past 36 months.
Mehrabian, in reference to the severity of the situation, stated that some areas have faced severe drought conditions over the past 10 years.
However, thanks to the efforts of colleagues, the situation has been relatively managed, with fewer acute problems arising,” he said.
The Minister further discussed the two key aspects of water resources management: supply management and demand management. He emphasized that while both are necessary, focusing on managing the demand sector can effectively overcome obstacles and challenges at a lower cost.
Recognizing the multidimensional nature of the issue, Mehrabian stressed that success in this field requires a comprehensive approach.
“While managing the supply sector involves structural, hardware, and policy measures, managing the demand sector holds special importance,” he said.
Mehrabian also criticized the lack of specific actions taken in the field of water demand management. He pointed out that consumers can play a role in managing their water consumption through the application of scientific knowledge and optional methods.
The Minister then mentioned that the installation of smart water meters is a crucial tool for demand management. Implementing a comprehensive and intelligent management network in this regard can greatly assist in controlling consumption.
Mehrabian emphasized the need for policy modifications and effective regulations in the water consumption and distribution sector. He stressed the importance of using the drinking water network solely for its intended purpose and suggested alternative sources, such as sewage water, for irrigation and other non-drinking purposes.
In comparison to the electricity sector, the Minister highlighted that managing water consumption is simpler and more feasible, with higher potential for savings. He called upon the country’s water and sewage engineering company to devise a practical and timely plan.
Acknowledging the need for incentives, Mehrabian proposed a bonus system for water consumers who manage their consumption below a certain threshold, potentially even offering free water for those who consistently conserve. Conversely, higher tariffs would be applied to those who exceed the designated consumption limits.
The Minister emphasized the importance of prioritizing and closely overseeing special projects in the water and sewage sector. Timely implementation and effective management of these projects are crucial, with minimal damage and concerns for public safety in the event of any water-related incidents. He emphasized the need for the responsible managers to be available 24/7 and promptly respond to any emergencies.
Mehrabian, expressing his satisfaction with the remarkable progress of the high priority water supply projects across various regions of the country, emphasized the pressing need for increased investment in this sector.
“This year, unfortunately, only a meager amount of funding has been allocated to the projects,” he said.
However, he fervently stressed the importance of completing the funding requirements within the next two to three months.
“The president himself has been actively involved, frequently raising, pursuing, and advocating for this crucial initiative in his reports. This plan holds immense significance, giving rise to great hopes for its successful implementation,” the Minister said.
According to Mehrabian, with the execution of 12,000 high priority water supply projects in rural areas, the majority of water-related challenges faced by these communities should be effectively resolved.


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