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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Four - 02 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Four - 02 November 2023 - Page 4

Leader: Final victory is Palestinians’ and won’t be far

Leader of Iran’s Islamic
Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that “the final victory belongs to Palestinians” in their fight against Israel and that such a triumph will not be too “far off”.
Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks during a meeting with students from across the country, ahead of the National Student Day and the National Day of Fighting Against Global Arrogance, which Iranians celebrate on November 4, Press TV reported.
He also called upon Muslim states to press for an end to the ongoing Israeli atrocities against the besieged Gaza Strip, impose sanctions on the Tel Aviv regime, and stop oil and goods exports to the occupied territories.
The Leader lauded the Palestinians for their resistance and steadfastness in the face of Israeli atrocities in the besieged Gaza Strip, stating that their resilience has aroused the human conscience.
“What Muslim states must insist on is the immediate cessation of [Israeli] crimes in Gaza. They must promptly stop the bombardment of Gaza, and stop the export of oil and other commodities to the Zionist regime,” he said.
“Muslim states must not cooperate economically with the Zionist regime, but denounce these catastrophes and crimes vociferously and without hesitation in all international forums.”
“The scale and circumstances of what is going on must be clarified. The Zionist regime must be condemned, and the entire Muslim world must be mobilized against it,” the Leader added.
The Leader noted that protesters in Western countries, Britain, France, Italy and various US states have taken to the streets en masse and chanted slogans in condemnation of Israel and the United States.
“It was an absolute disgrace for them, which they can neither recover from nor justify,” the Leader said.
“The Muslim world should not forget that all through the critical issue of Gaza, the countries which stood against Islam and the oppressed Palestinian nation was [the United States of] America, France and Britain.”
He went on to say that the central issue nowadays is not the Israeli war on Gaza, but rather the battle between the truth and falsehood, and the fight between the power of faith and the power of arrogance.
US help
The Leader also said, “The blow to the Zionist regime is irreparable. I said this at the beginning, I emphasize it now, and I repeat it. It’s now gradually shown in the words of the Zionist regime’s officials that the blow they received is not a blow that can be compensated. They cannot compensate for it.”
“The Zionist regime is now helpless and confused. Tel Aviv lies to his own people. The fact that they express concern about their captives in the hands of the Palestinians is also a lie. This lying is out of haplessness. The Israeli bombings may kill their own captives.”
Ayatollah Khamenei stressed, “Now, the Zionist regime is in shock and confused. It doesn’t know what to do. If it weren’t for the help of the United States, the Zionist regime would have collapsed in a matter of

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