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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Three - 01 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Three - 01 November 2023 - Page 8

News in Brief

Semnan becomes Iran’s 'Book Capital'

IRNA – Semnan, the capital city of Semnan Province in northern Iran, was selected as the eighth Iran’s Book Capital in a special ceremony held at the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Tehran, on Tuesday.
The announcement was made in the presence of Iran’s Culture and Islamic Guidance Minister, Mohammad-Mehdi Esmaeili.
The decision to honor five specific cities for their significant contributions to the promotion of reading and books was a key aspect of the event.
The cities of Evaz in Fars Province, Semnan, Sabzevar, Shahin Shahr in Isfahan, and Karaj have all been recognized for their distinct characteristics in fostering a culture of reading, receiving exclusive titles in this year’s Book Capital program.
Evaz in Fars Province stood out for the considerable public engagement and public efforts in promoting reading.
Shahin Shahr was praised for its effective city management in the field of books, and for making maximum resources available for related organizations.
Sabzevar was recognized for its efforts in promoting the discourse of the Islamic Revolution and introducing high-quality books of the city.
Karaj was acknowledged for its active efforts in enhancing literacy skills and designing creative programs in the field of reading skills.
Semnan, on the other hand, secured its place as Iran’s Book Capital through its exemplary management and the creative programs and initiatives offered by its active city management and local residents.
The city’s commitment to encouraging reading and its cultural atmosphere played an important role in its selection.

First Persian language course in Kyrgyzstan

IRNA – An open Persian language course kicked off in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, for the first time in years, with 18 students.
The course began at the National Library of Kyrgyzstan’s Ferdowsi Center for Iranian Studies, with the efforts of Iran’s Cultural Center and representatives of the Sa’di Foundation Abuzar Toqani.
Addressing the opening ceremony, Toqani said the positive reception from Persian language and literature enthusiasts has been promising.
“I encourage the students attending this course to pass different levels with perseverance and seriousness so that they would be able to benefit from the huge literary and scientific treasure of the Persian language,” he said.


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