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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Two - 31 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Two - 31 October 2023 - Page 7

Family Doctor Program in Iran gaining momentum


It’s an ordinary day at the office of a specialist doctor in a major city in Iran. A quick glance around the room reveals many - perhaps even too many - patients patiently waiting for their turn.
However, the doctor is yet to arrive.
Despite having made prior examination appointments, these patients find themselves waiting, waiting, and waiting some more. Regardless of the doctor’s skill or reputation, it is evident that the system in place is deeply flawed.
Every patient deserves not only access to high-quality healthcare, but also respect for their time, energy, and financial resources. It goes without saying that this one-sided system, which primarily benefits doctors in terms of revenue, fails to honor the patients’ entitlement to a humanistic treatment. Regrettably, this has become the prevailing norm in our country, tarnishing the very profession that is meant to save lives.

Iran’s healthcare system

Iran enjoys a powerful healthcare system with highly skilled medical staff and state-of-the-art equipment. Additionally, there is a certain level of widespread health insurance coverage. The presence of advanced mega-hospitals, extensive patient capacity, and numerous health centers scattered throughout the country are clear indicators of this strength. In fact, Iran’s healthcare system is considered the best in the region.
Iran has also demonstrated significant potential in becoming a leading destination for health tourism, not only within the region but also beyond. Furthermore, the country has embraced the realm of cyber medicine, offering several applications that facilitate its citizens’ access to treatment and healthcare services.
However, despite these notable achievements, the aforementioned issue – crowded offices, clinics, and hospitals, in addition to long waiting times – continues to be a significant ordeal. It burdens patients and their families with unnecessary stress and unexpected financial troubles, and, therefore, acts as the system’s Achilles’ heel.

Family doctors to the rescue

But don’t despair. Fortunately, family doctors can save us from such unpleasant conditions, and they are on their way – actually, some of them are already here. These white-coated rescuers can save us hours of needless waiting in specialists’ offices or spare us the trouble of unnecessary hospitalizations. Having a family doctor comes with many perks, including personalized and continuous care, as well as a comprehensive and holistic approach to health and treatment.
A family doctor is a primary care physician specializing in providing ongoing and comprehensive healthcare for families and individuals of all ages, genders, and medical conditions.

Perks of having a family doctor

Having a family doctor offers several benefits. First of all, one receives personalized care based on their specific needs and medical history.
Also, family doctors provide continuity of care, ensuring consistent and comprehensive healthcare management, which greatly adds to the quality and depth of treatments received.
Moreover, family doctors prioritize preventive medicine, focusing on proactive healthcare to prevent illness. This, in turn, reduces overall costs of healthcare for society, allowing resources to flow into other crucial sectors such as education.
Family doctors offer a wide range of services, diagnose and treat common illnesses, and provide referrals when needed. The medical service referral system is a method of providing medical and health services in which patients must be referred to medical centers based on a hierarchical structure, beginning with the family doctor. This feature of the program is the one that will eliminate the needless waiting at specialists offices and hospital halls.
Having a family doctor is cost-effective, accessible, and fosters trust and comfort. They serve as health advocates, guiding you through the healthcare system and empowering you to make informed decisions about your health.

Family doctors in Iran

The Family Doctor Program and referral system in Iran was planned for nationwide implementation around 20 years ago; however, it has yet to achieve its desired goals.
According to former Deputy Minister of Health Kamal Heidari, the primary reason for the non-implementation of the Family Doctor Program in Iran is the faulty referral system.
Additionally, Heidari cited a lack of resources as another significant factor contributing to the delayed implementation of the program.
The Family Doctor Program in Iran was officially launched in 2005 as provisioned in the country’s 4th Development Plan. Initially, the program faced some challenges, leading to the decision to start it as a pilot and eventually expand it nationwide.
However, the approach to health reform during Rouhani’s first administration took a different direction. The Family Doctor Program, in the form of the health transformation plan, was initiated in cities with populations of less than 20,000. Sadly, the envisioned family doctor concept was never fully realized.
“The implementation of this program in the provinces of Fars and Mazandaran has been ongoing for about nine years, with the intention of addressing its shortcomings in other provinces,” stated Heidari.
According to Kamali, the family doctor program reduces the burden of diseases on the country.
“The implementation of this program can bring us closer to our goals in terms of health economics and equitable access to medical services. The rationalization of drug prescription and treatments is another advantage of the family medicine program.”
Improved healthcare access, continuity of care, and preventive medicine are among the well-known benefits of family medicine practice.

Wider implementation and continuous delays

On June 27, 2023, Hossein Farshidi, the then Deputy Minister of Health, announced, “The Family Doctor Program has entered the implementation phase in the country, and the government supports this program comprehensively.”
According to him, the Family Doctor Program could transform the healthcare system and Iranian society.
“Some provinces have already declared their readiness to enter the second phase of the program. As we continue the implementation of the Family Doctor Program, which began in 59 cities across the country, we will witness its nationwide implementation,” he said.
Farshidi emphasized that with the full implementation of the family medicine program, the programs of all health departments and organizations will undergo changes. He continued, “We all need to approach the Family Doctor Program and the referral system with a new perspective. Therefore, there may be delays in implementing phase one of the program in certain parts of the country.”

Program’s progress

According to the current Deputy Minister of Health, the family doctor program is currently being carried out in 95 cities, with healthcare teams from medical sciences universities participating in the program.
“The Ministry of Health considers nationwide implementation of the family doctor program as one of its most important priorities,” said Saeed Karimi on October 29, 2023, according to IRNA.
He added that under the new program guidelines, one family medicine team, consisting of two healthcare workers and one doctor, will be assigned to every three thousand people.
Karimi further explained that healthcare providers will deliver care services, and if a doctor is needed, patients will be referred to the family doctor at nearby centers until a doctor is recruited at the health center.
According to the Deputy Minister of Health, the Family Doctor Program and the referral system are among the five main goals of Iran’s healthcare system.
He further noted that acceptable standards for family health and family doctors are being reviewed.


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