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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty One - 30 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty One - 30 October 2023 - Page 2

Seven-month trade tops $64b with $7.7b deficit

Figures by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) show the country's foreign trade reached $64.4 billion in the seven months to October 22 with a deficit of $7.7 billion.
Iran exported 79.5 million tons of non-oil commodities worth $28.3 billion from March 21 tp October 22, IRICA head Mohammad Rezvani-Far said on Sunday, IRNA reported.
He said that the seven-month non-oil export indicates over 29% rise in terms of weight, and less than 1% drop in terms of value, year on year.
The official added that 20.9 million tons of non-oil goods worth $36 billion were imported to the country during the period, with 6.2% growth in weight terms, and 12.6% increase in value, compared to the same period in the previous year.
The latest figures suggest a gap of more than 27% between exports and imports.
Rezvani-Far added that the country’s seven-month non-oil trade stands at 100.4 million tons worth $64.4 billion, with 23.7% rise in weight terms, and 6.2% increase in value terms, year on year.
He pointed to liquefied natural gas, liquefied propane and liquefied butane as the top exported commodities, naming China, Iraq, the UAE, Turkey and India as the main destinations of Iran's non-oil exports. The IRICA chief also referred to corn as livestock food, mobile phones and soybeans as the key imported goods and the UAE, China, Turkey, Germany and India as the main sources of non-oil imports of Iran in the seven months.

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