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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fourteen - 22 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fourteen - 22 October 2023 - Page 7

An overview of violence against women

By Reza Gerami
Legal advisor
Violence against women is a pervasive issue with no boundaries. It’s not limited to social stratum, climate, region, or class of society. This problem exists all over the world and cannot be ignored. However, the alarming rise in violence against women is a cause for concern.
In Iran, acute family discord, child abuse, and spousal abuse are among the most common reasons for seeking social emergency services. Violence against women is prevalent in all these cases. It encompasses not only physical and sexual abuse but also verbal insults, intimidation, isolation, controlling behavior, repetitive acts of jealousy, denying access to friends and family, attempting to hinder education or work opportunities, preventing women from seeking medical help, and making decisions on their behalf.
If the image of a bruised eye and a sorrowful woman is the only thing that comes to your mind when thinking about violence against women, you are not alone. Many people mistakenly believe that violence against women is solely physical. However, street harassment and other forms of daily mistreatment also constitute violence against women, even if they have become so commonplace that they are often overlooked.
To address this issue, it is crucial to raise awareness among families, particularly in rural communities and small towns. They need to be educated on how to treat and protect women and girls. Providing families with vital information about the dangers women and girls face and teaching life skills from an early age, even before childbirth, can make a significant difference. Additionally, laws should be amended to reflect the current societal conditions, and comprehensive research should be conducted in order to effectively tackle this problem. Educational videos created by psychologists and utilizing the expertise of efficient researchers can also play a vital role in combating violence against women.
Furthermore, it is essential not to overlook the importance of educating and informing men. By educating men and encouraging them to change their behavior towards women and girls, we can work towards a society free from violence against women.


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