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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fourteen - 22 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fourteen - 22 October 2023 - Page 2

News in Brief

Iran’s nano market worth $600m

The secretary of the Iranian Nano Technology headquarters revealed recent statistics regarding the country’s exports of nano products. The total sales market for these products in 2022-23 amounted to over $600 million, marking a 50 percent increase compared to the previous year.
“More than six percent of the market, equivalent to $69 million, came from the export of these nano products,” according to Emad Ahmadvand, Mehr news agency reported.
In terms of market share, the construction, automobile, oil, gas, and petrochemical sectors emerged as the top three industries for nano products in 2022-23. The construction sector alone accounted for nearly half of the country’s nanotechnology market. Meanwhile, automobile and oil and gas industries heavily relied on nano catalysts.
Iran’s nano products have found a global market, with exports amounting to over $69 million. Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, Turkey, Georgia, and Azerbaijan were the main destinations for these exports, representing more than 80 percent of the total export volume.
Iran’s gas and petrochemical industries witnessed a boost in domestic production, with around 70 percent of the total nano catalysts being produced within the country.

Iranian non–oil
exports hit $24b

The head of Iran’s Trade Development Organization said Saturday that the total exports of the country has reached $24 billion since mid-March 2023, showing a growth rate of 29 percent in terms of weight.
Mehdi Zeighami stated that there was an increase in the number of business consultants in target countries, as well as the establishment of 50 Iranian business centers in 35 countries, IRNA reported.
“Iran's strategy has been to focus on developing trade with various countries, and its performance over the past two years indicates that this objective has been successful,” said Zeighami.
He emphasized that the government tried to enhance trade with neighboring countries and previously overlooked destinations. Furthermore, it has prioritized the expansion of trade with South America, Asian countries, and the African Continent.
He further highlighted that the government’s membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS holds great promise for trade development and access to markets in numerous countries.


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