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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Eleven - 18 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Eleven - 18 October 2023 - Page 2

Iran’s six-month car production up 23%

Iran’s production of all types of cars increased by 23% in the first six months of the current Iranian year (March 21–September 22) compared to the same period last year.
According to a report released by Iran’s Ministry of Industry, Mine, and Trade on Tuesday, the country manufactured 642,930 automobiles during the six months to September 22, IRNA reported. Iranian automakers produced 524,256 cars during the first six months of the previous Iranian year, the report indicated.
Private and state-run automakers of Iran manufactured a total of 89,054 cars during the months to September 22, three percent more than the related figure of last year which was 86,451 sets. A sum of 545,180 sedans were produced in the country during H1 of the current Iranian year, indicating a 19 percent growth compared to the corresponding figure of last year
(456, 617 cars).
The report also revealed that a 46 percent rise was registered in pickup production in Iran as 76,032 pickup cars were produced during the six months to
September 22.


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