Gaza kids disregarded as Disney donates $2m to Israel

The Walt Disney Company announced that it would donate $2 million to “humanitarian efforts” in Israel. Magen David Adom, an Israeli emergency service, will receive $1 million, while the rest will be donated to Israeli non-profit organizations.
Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, expressed the need to “support the innocent people,” especially children, who are “experiencing pain, violence, and uncertainty” due to the recent “terrorist attacks targeting Jews in Israel.”
His support of the “innocent people” comes whilst the unrelenting bombardment of Gaza by the Israeli military has resulted in the deaths of over 2,700 Palestinians, including hundreds of children, and the displacement of almost half a million civilians from the besieged enclave. Yet, there is no mention of innocent Palestinian children who are experiencing the horrors of a devastating war waged against their motherland.
Disney’s decision has faced criticism from pro-Palestinian activists online, with some users expressing their intention to cancel their Disney+ subscriptions.
Needless to say, by donating to Israel, Disney is indirectly supporting Israeli “war crimes,” including the killing of hundreds of innocent Palestinian children. Such a measure is nothing but a blatant act of hypocrisy from Disney, a company that provides entertainment mainly for kids.
Donating money to Israel at this turn is equivalent to being complicit in countless violations of human rights, and supportive of Israel’s disproportionate use of force against the people of Gaza, described by many as the world’s largest “open-air
Surely, such aid to Israel undermines the rights and well-being of Palestinian children who have also been affected by the bloody conflict.

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