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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seven - 14 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seven - 14 October 2023 - Page 7

West’s silence on Israeli aggression exposed its ugliness

By Syed Ali Hasan
Iran Daily’s correspondent in Pakistan
The merciless thought process of the international community, which has not spared any effort to fuel sorrow and anger over Hamas’s pre-emptive attacks against Israel and justify Israel’s brutal assaults, is reflecting the reality of human suffering. There are morally acceptable responses to human suffering, such as mourning, relieving, and stopping it. And then, there is the case of Israel, which has channeled that suffering into becoming a terrorist state itself by targeting and civilians of Gaza and laying siege to the whole area, not to mention its move to cut off water and electricity.
The pre-emptive attack of a resistance group has goaded terrorists and supporters of terrorism on the state level into showing their true colors. How can the United States justify its alliance with Israel when Israel has restricted water and food supplies to Palestinians, resulting in the dire suffering of ordinary people who are left starving and enfeebled as a form of collective punishment? Additionally, there have been reports of entire buildings bombarded and reduced to rubble in Gaza.
West’s double standard regarding Israel’s violation of human rights was expected. However, the Islamic world is shocked by the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation which have not only failed to prevent Israeli aggression in Gaza but also seemingly supported Israel.
Yet, Pakistan has strongly condemned Israel’s disproportionate and indiscriminate bombing of the Palestinian population in Gaza and called for its immediate cessation. Prior to this, Iran’s Leader Seyyed Ali Khamenei firmly supported Hamas, emphasizing that Palestinians cannot endure Israeli oppression indefinitely.
There is a perceived lack of advocating for the rights of Palestinians on the part of Saudis. To date, Saudi Arabia has not taken any substantial steps in favor of Palestinians. Riyadh has been notably uncomfortable with Hamas’ recent actions since it has most likely put the move to normalize its ties with Tel Aviv on hold.


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