News in Brief

National economic growth to hit 3% in 2023: IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its latest report on the World Economic Outlook estimated that Iran’s economy would grow three percent by the end of 2023.
The monetary body also put Iran’s inflation in 2022 at 45.8 percent and said the rate would increase to 47 percent in the current year, Tasnim News Agency reported on Tuesday.
According to the IMF, the balance of Iran’s current accounts in 2023 would hit 3.4 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), 0.8 percent down from the previous year. Based on IMF prediction, Iran unemployment would remain single digit by yearend, though posting a 0.1 percent surge compared with a year earlier to reach 9.4 percent.

Iran’s annual aquatics production to amount to 1.4m tons

Iran’s fishery production is estimated to hit 1.4 million tons by March 19, 2024 of which 620,000 tons pertains to aquaculture and the rest to fishing sector.
Hassan-Ali Qalibaf, an advisor to the head of the Iran Fisheries Organization (IFO) announced the above on Tuesday during his visit to western province of Kermanshah, according to ISNA.
The country’s focus is on aquaculture sector to increase the fisheries production. Also the development on Makran and Beris coasts will be among Iran’s fishery megaprojects in the next two years, according to the official.
The per capita consumption of aquatic products in the country is currently 13.8 kg per year which the figure is far from the global per capita consumption of aquatic products, which is over 20 kg.
Iran Fisheries Organization (IFO), is making efforts to increase the sea food consumption among the people in the country, the official added.


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