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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Four - 10 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Four - 10 October 2023 - Page 8

Operation Al-Aqsa Storm’s success broken down

By Yasser Al-Khawaja
Palestinian journalist


The operation was strategically timed to take place after the dawn of Saturday, a day that the Israeli entity considers a holiday. During this day, the Israeli occupation tends to be in a state of security laxity and slowness, creating an opportune moment for such an operation.

Lack of

This major security event, with all its implications, revealed the extent of the Israeli security apparatus’s blindness. It demonstrated that the Zionist system couldn’t even acquire half a piece of information to anticipate a security event. The operation marked a clear failure and security breakdown for that institution. It resulted in a successful incursion, allowing the resistance to kill and capture a significant number of soldiers affiliated with the Israeli military brigade and its special forces. The absence of security information and the resistance’s ability to retain it seem to be a fundamental pillar and basis for the success of this special

Resistance planning

The operation was well-planned and executed by the resistance. They chose the appropriate timing and favorable security circumstances. The idea of the bold infiltration operation appears to have been in planning for a considerable period, involving operations of deception and diversion carried out by the Gaza-based resistance. Additionally, the means used in the operation, such as off-road vehicles, motorcycles, and aerial approaches via parachutes and gliders, allowed for entry into the settlements adjacent to the Gaza Strip and military sites like Zikim, Duqit, and the 61 communication system.

Element of surprise

Perhaps the most critical element was the element of surprise. The enemy lost its ability to absorb the shock and deal with it. The enemy might not have fully realized the impact of the strike for several hours, which gave the resistance ample opportunity to carry out the operation without significant hindrances. This was despite the technological and cyber superiority, constant aerial surveillance, and spy drones filling the skies, all of which failed to find any significant preemptive opportunities to counter or uncover the operation. Additionally, the resistance used rocket barrages of varying ranges as an aerial cover to confuse the enemy and thwart its use of airpower to target the fighters. All these factors combined led to the success of an operation that was the boldest and most potent in the history of the Palestinian-Zionist conflict.


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