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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Four - 10 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Four - 10 October 2023 - Page 7

Iran begins rolling new phases at Bushehr nuclear plant

Iran on Sunday started the implementation of the second phase of the second and third units of the Bushehr nuclear plant.
The operation includes pouring concrete for the construction of a part of the second nuclear reactor.
Overseeing the process, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Mohammad Eslami expressed hope that the second unit will be completed and inaugurated in less than 5 years and the third unit 1.5 years after that.
He also expressed hope that the concrete pouring operation will begin at the third nuclear reactor soon.
“The construction works in the sites of two Bushehr nuclear reactors have increased ten-fold compared to the previous years. Those involved in the project have been working round the clock in three shifts,” he added.
Masoud Nasouri, the engineer in charge of the project for the construction of the second and third Bushehr reactors, said that the two units will save the country 10 million barrels of oil and 1,600 billion cubic meters of gas per year and prevent the emission of 7 million tons of toxic gasses.
During the ceremony, Iran’s nuclear chief noted that the Bushehr nuclear plant has so far produced more than 60 billion kilowatt hours (kw/h) of electricity, including 7 billion kw/h last year.
According to the 20-year vision, it is necessary to produce 20,000 megawatts of electricity, which will be realized with an investment of $50 billion, he said.
Eslami noted that the government’s support had accelerated the construction of the two reactors under deals worth €1.8 billion.
According to the facility’s authorities, the nuclear plant has produced 3.5 million megawatt hours of electricity since the beginning of the Iranian year, which begins on March 21.
The nuclear plant was built by Russia after years of delay and officially handed over in September 2013.
Over the past years, Iran’s peaceful nuclear energy program has recorded many achievements in defiance of US sanctions as well as hurdles created by the West.
The country has also been closely cooperating with the International Atomic Energy Agency as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

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