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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Four - 10 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Four - 10 October 2023 - Page 2

1,000 EVs to join Iran transport fleet next month: Official

Iran plans to design and manufacture localized electric vehicles by 2025 in cooperation with new technology-based firms (NTBFs) and domestic auto manufacturing firms, announced the deputy minister of Industry, Mine, and Trade for the General Industries.
Manufacturing electric cars is not a new idea as the issue was raised 10 years ago by the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, Manouchehr Manteq said, Tasnim News Agency reported.
He added that some 1,000 electric cars will enter the transportation fleet of the country as of the next month of the current Iranian calendar year (to start October 22).
Turning to the infrastructures needed for electric cars, Manteqi pointed out that 15 stations equipped with 78 charging devices have thus far been launched across the
The deputy industry minister went on to say that designing and manufacturing domestic EVs have been put on the agenda of the ministry and will be carried out in cooperation with NTBFs as well as domestic and international auto manufacturing companies.
In August, Iran’s Minister of Industry, Mine, and Trade Abbas Aliabadi said that Iranian automotive companies have accelerated their plans to manufacture electric cars.
Aliabadi said, however, that the country would not wait for a scale-up in domestic manufacturing of EVs, adding that imports would also increase to respond to the growing demand for such vehicles in the country.
He said that Iran’s energy sector stands to benefit from the expansion of EV infrastructure, adding that using EVs would also be very economical for the Iranian motorists.


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