News in Brief

Belarus eager to use Iran experience on sanctions

IRNA – Belarus’ Deputy Foreign Minister Evgeny Shestakov said his country is interested in using Iran’s experience in dealing with sanctions. He made the remarks in a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Ali Bagheri Kani in Minsk on Friday. He also expressed hope that Belarus would become a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS in the future to use the organizations’ capacity to deal with the West’s

Nothing could justify death of a child due to US sanctions

PRESS TV – Iran’s deputy UN envoy vehemently denounced the US’ unilateral sanctions against Iran and their role in preventing access to medicine by Iranian patients, including children, who face life-threatening diseases. “Nothing could ever justify such horrific measures against people,” Zahra Ershadi said before the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday.
“Nothing could justify the death of a child who could simply not have a medical product due to UCMs (Unilateral Coercive Measures),” she added.

Iran: West better to address own woes

PRESS TV – Tehran called on Western countries to be worried about a wave of strikes affecting their health sectors instead of making interventionist statements about Iran and voicing “insincere concern” about Iran’s women. In an X post on Thursday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said the United States, Britain and Germany had better be concerned about industrial actions by their medical staff.
“Instead of interventionist & biased remarks & expressing insincere concern over Iranian women & girls, you’d better be concerned about US, German and UK healthcare personnel, patients & tackle their situation,” he wrote.


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