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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred - 05 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred - 05 October 2023 - Page 3

Namin Museum, a gateway to the past

Museums are like a mirror of the culture and history of each region. When we travel to a new city or area, there is a possibility that there is a museum that can give us an understanding of its past and present, taking us on a journey beyond the dimensions of time and space.
Museums may appear to only host pieces of objects, tools, and documents that are older compared to today. However, museums are in fact a language of history, and they can narrate the passage of time and everything that has happened to humanity through a silent language, wrote.
The existence of a museum can serve as a medium for a city, becoming an important choice for tourists and even locals to visit and delve into the captivating world of history and culture.
Namin Museum, in Ardebil, is situated in the heart of the city, within a magnificent historical structure known as Saarem al-Saltaneh House. After a temporary closure, the museum reopened in July of this year and is all set to welcome the public.
It is a city with a rich cultural heritage and culture-loving people, which happens to attract tourists due to its natural beauty and climate. The mind-boggling Heyran Pass, the lush Fandoqlu Forest, the mesmerizing Sooha Lake, and countless breathtaking natural landscapes alongside its historical and ancient landmarks, have turned Namin into an ideal choice for travel and exploration. Namin Museum can also be an important addition to all the attractions of this area.
Director General of the province’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization, Hassan Mohammadi Adib, said that Namin Museum was temporarily closed due to a lack of human resources. However, thanks to the coordinated efforts and support of the municipality and the city’s Islamic City Council, the museum’s objects have been successfully returned.
Several historical buildings surround the main square of the city, showcasing themselves very proudly. Alongside the majestic Grand Mosque and the city’s bustling ancient bazaar, there stands the most eye-catching monument: Saarem al-Saltaneh House. This iconic structure was officially recognized as a national heritage site in the year 2000. After undergoing an extensive restoration project, the building was enthusiastically opened as the Namin Museum in 2009, inviting the public to explore its captivating history and treasures.
This historical house, dating back to the Qajar period, belonged to Mir Kazem Khan Saarem al-Saltaneh, who was the ruler of the region. He established his governance in the pleasant and climatically favorable region of Namin and had this building built.
Currently, a portion of this historical house is being used by Namin’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Department as an administrative office. The majority of the structure comprises halls and rooms on two floors, especially designated for exhibiting museum artifacts.
Malakeh Golmaghanizadeh, an official from Ardebil Province’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization, who oversees museum management, said that on the first floor, a hall is dedicated to showcasing prehistoric and historical artifacts, while a neighboring room introduces Islamic period objects. This section also displays paintings donated by the local culture enthusiasts.
On the museum’s second floor, the central hall is devoted to a diverse collection of handicrafts dating from the Qajar period to the modern era. Additionally, there are two adjacent rooms designated for ethnographic objects. In these sections, several donated items from the people of Namin are on display.
Visiting this museum, located in one of the most beautiful historical houses of Ardebil Province, is like a journey to the heart of history.

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