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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Nine - 04 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Nine - 04 October 2023 - Page 5

China gains foothold in Mideast as US gets isolated

By Syed Ali Hassan
Iran Daily’s correspondent in Pakistan
The United States finds itself increasingly isolated in the Middle East, as China expands its influence in the region, exacerbating the gradual decline of the role of the US and its Western allies.
China’s instrumental role in normalizing relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia was one of the more pronounced events that showcased Washington’s diminishing presence in the Middle East.
A significant recent development was the visit of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to China at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping. The move that the two presidents made toward building a strategic partnership between Syria and China serves as a firm response to external forces challenging Syria’s sovereignty.
During their meeting, President Xi firmly voiced China’s opposition to foreign powers meddling in Syria’s internal affairs. He urged all countries involved to recognize Syria’s sovereignty and called for lifting illegal and unilateral sanctions against the Arab nation. The two presidents also jointly announced the establishment of a strategic partnership between Syria and China, which encompasses military cooperation and global political coordination.
This marks President al-Assad’s second visit to China since assuming office. During their discussions, the leaders delved into bilateral relations, aligned their stances on global matters, and advocated for the expulsion of foreign powers to foster regional peace.
The repercussions of the Syrian president’s visit to China are becoming more and more evident. China is progressively gaining access to regional trade markets while simultaneously limiting American influence in West Asian countries. Meanwhile, Syria, with its oil-rich regions under US military occupation, faces aggression from Turkey in the north and intermittent aerial attacks from Israel. The burgeoning defense cooperation between China and Syria, coupled with President Xi’s commitment to bolster Syria’s economy, will enhance Damascus’s autonomy.
President Xi’s message to the US, Israel, and Turkey, in light of their actions on Syrian soil, is unmistakable: You should respect Syrian sovereignty.

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