Minister: $20b invested in two years to launch projects


Iran’s oil minister said about $20 billion has been invested to implement upstream and downstream projects since the incumbent government took office two years ago.
Talking to the IRIB News Agency on Monday, Javad Owji added the inaugurated projects were mainly those that were left unfinished.
The minister pointed to Isfahan Refinery’s Diesel Hydrotreating Unit inaugurated by President Ebrahim Raisi on Friday, adding the DHT Unit having a daily production capacity of 16 million liters of Euro 5 diesel was put into operation to comply with the Clean Air Law of Iran. According to Owji, the facility prevents the emission of 300 tons of sulfur per day. The Oil Ministry has given priority to promoting the quality of oil products and reducing sulfur compounds in refineries such as the Isfahan, Shiraz, and Tabriz refineries, underlined the top official. He said 30 products of the Isfahan Refinery, including gasoline, meet international standards, noting that the central Iranian city’s refinery produces 13 million liters of gasoline a day.

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