Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Eight - 02 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Eight - 02 October 2023 - Page 5

MP: Iran an emerging military superpower

Any military action against Iran ’doomed to failure’

By Sadeq Dehqan
Staff writer
An Iranian lawmaker said Iran is now considered an emerging superpower in the world in terms of military and weapons, stressing that any military action against Iran is doomed to failure.
In an exclusive interview with Iran Daily, Morteza Mahmoudvand said at a time when Iran had not come to maturity in the military field, the country fought alone against the world during the Iraqi-imposed war. Many countries supported the Iraqi regime, while Iran was actually at war directly with 36 countries, and indirectly with more than 80 countries.
Referring to the war in Syria, he said that many countries sought to occupy the country either directly or indirectly through terrorists. But they did not succeed and only one branch of our ground forces, Quds Ground Force, managed to bring the enemy to its knees in Syria and change the situation in favor of the people of the region.
Today, a military power such as Russia is stuck in the war in Ukraine, which is supported by the West. During the Iran-Iraq war, these countries also supported Iraqi dictator Saddam Hossein. However, they did not achieve their goals.
Considering that Iran is currently at the peak of its military and security power, the enemy can never take any action against Iran. Mahmoudvand also reacted to repeated claims made by the UAE’s representative at the UN General Assembly over the three Iranian islands in the Persian Gulf, calling it a false and threadbare claim. The enemies of Iran incite the UAE and the Persian Gulf Arab countries every now and then regarding the Iranian islands.
He added, “For the umpteenth time, we are officially telling the UAE and all those who stand behind these false claims that their claims have no historical basis.”
Apart from the three islands, we will not even forget Bahrain as part of Iran. Therefore, they should not brazenly talk about the ownership of the three islands.
All maps from ancient times until today indicate that these islands have always been part of Iran’s territory. Such claims arose during the domination of Britain and foreigners over the Persian Gulf, and have been repeated with falsehoods incited by the West and the Arab League. Britain illegally occupied the three Iranian islands of Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs – an occupation that lasted 80 years.
Iran and the UK held negotiations for three years, which finally led to the end of Britain’s occupation of the three Iranian islands.
In an operation, the Iranian Navy managed to restore Iran’s sovereignty over the islands. The three islands were under British occupation for eight decades before the establishment of the United Arab Emirates in 1971.
When the islands were liberated, Iranian authorities emphasized that they would talk about the issue only to the UK, not the Arab sheikhs. Secondly, Iran declared that the issue of the islands’ sovereignty should be determined before the establishment of the United Arab Emirates.
Therefore, on November 30, 1971, the issue of the islands was resolved and they were returned to Iran.
The Iranian lawmaker also stressed that media hype is also behind the claims made by the UAE.
The Western media have also launched a campaign over the name of the Persian Gulf. However, they have not been able to provide a historical map proving their claims.


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