World registration of Saray-e Afzal to boost Shoushtar tourism

The head of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Department of Shoushtar, Khuzestan Province, emphasized that the registration of Saray-e Afzal Caravanserai on UNESCO’s World Heritage List will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the development of tourism in the region.
Davoud Najjar-Asiabani said that one of the important advantages of registering Saray-e Afzal on the World Heritage List is raising awareness and informing the global community about this historical monument. He said that this would lead to an increase in tourism activity, subsequently boosting the local economy and benefiting the people. Therefore, an important effect of the world registration of Saray-e Afzal is an increase in the presence of domestic and foreign tourists in Shoushtar.
He also pointed out that the registration of Saray-e Afzal on the World Heritage List can help promote the region’s handicrafts and be used as an opportunity to introduce them to the world. The head of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Department of Shoushtar emphasized that world heritage is a powerful and internationally marketable symbol, and registered monuments such as Saray-e Afzal attract the attention of tourists. He added that monuments registered on UNESCO’s World Heritage List benefit from programs, protective measures, and monitoring methods.
Najjar-Asiabani said that the private sector is currently operating Saray-e Afzal, adding that this caravanserai is a permanent exhibition and sales center for Shoushtar’s handicrafts. In addition to showcasing and selling the region’s handicrafts, over 100 artisans are active in the workshops of this caravanserai.
He also noted that the history of the monument dates back to the Qajar era. It is a large complex that includes a sabat (an arched structure built between the opposite buildings on both sides of a narrow street in tropical and desert areas), mosque, historical houses, bathhouse, and other structures, and is one of the major buildings in this complex. The magnificent architecture of this caravanserai has attracted the attention of many tourists from ancient times to the present day.


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