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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Five - 28 September 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Five - 28 September 2023 - Page 5

Overseas missions defined for Iranian flotillas

Anti-piracy operations

One of the primary missions of Iranian naval flotillas in recent years has been to combat piracy in the waters off the coast of Somalia. Piracy has been a persistent threat to international shipping in the region, and Iran has been actively involved in efforts to counter it.

Showcasing regional influence

Iran's naval presence in international waters also serves as a demonstration of regional influence. The Persian Gulf, a vital waterway for global energy supplies, has been a focal point of geopolitical tensions.

Training and naval diplomacy

Iranian naval flotillas have often been dispatched to foreign ports as part of training exercises and naval diplomacy. These visits provide opportunities for naval personnel to enhance their skills and foster cooperation with other nations.

Protecting maritime trade routes

Iran's maritime interests extend far beyond its immediate waters. The country relies heavily on maritime trade, both for its exports and imports. Deploying naval flotillas to international waters helps protect vital trade routes, ensuring the safe passage of Iranian and foreign vessels carrying goods to and from Iran.

Search and rescue missions

Iranian naval flotillas have been involved in search and rescue missions, particularly in response to distress calls from ships in international waters. These missions underscore Iran's commitment to maritime safety and its willingness to cooperate with other nations in times of crisis.

Countering smuggling, illegal activities

Naval flotillas also play a role in countering smuggling and illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, in international waters. By conducting patrols and surveillance, Iranian naval vessels help disrupt criminal operations that can have a destabilizing impact on the region.

Enhancing Iran's naval capabilities

Overseas missions provide valuable opportunities for Iran to test and improve its naval capabilities. They allow Iranian naval forces to operate in a variety of environments, including the oceans and congested maritime traffic areas, which helps enhance their readiness and effectiveness.

Humanitarian assistance

In addition to combat and security missions, Iranian naval flotillas have been involved in humanitarian assistance efforts. They have delivered aid to countries affected by natural disasters and provided medical assistance to those in need, demonstrating Iran's commitment to international humanitarian efforts.

Promoting regional stability

Iran has emphasized its commitment to promoting regional stability through its naval activities in international waters. By engaging in cooperative endeavors such as joint naval exercises and maritime security initiatives, Iran seeks to play a constructive role in maintaining peace and stability in the region.






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