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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety One - 21 September 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety One - 21 September 2023 - Page 8

Vietnam’s construction industry open for Iranian firms: Envoy

Iran has been very successful in the construction industry, said Vietnamese Ambassador to Iran Luong Quoc Huy, adding that Iranians can trade with his country in this field.
On the sidelines of a visit to the Specialized Exhibition of Tiles, Ceramics, Stone and Sanitary Porcelain in Qazvin on Tuesday evening, the diplomat said, “I saw good capabilities in the field of construction, which I think can be used to increase trade relations between the two countries,” IRNA reported.
He added: “Fortunately, there are very good relations between Iran and Vietnam now, with a cooperation approach in the field of construction industry, these relations can be strengthened more than in the past.”
“Vietnam is one of the developing countries in the field of construction, and considering potentials in Iran, we can have serious collaborations in the field of trade in the near future.”
I am very happy that I have traveled to Qazvin for the first time, the Vietnamese ambassador said, “I was also very impressed by the booths that were set up in the exhibition.”
In the four-day exhibition, over 30 manufacturing units are showcasing their products.


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