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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety One - 21 September 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety One - 21 September 2023 - Page 7

A teenage boy who masters both music and sports

Mahdieh Qazvinian
Staff writer

Sports pertain to any form of physical activity or game, often competitive and organized. It is considered a social phenomenon that not only aims to use, maintain, or improve physical skills, but also provides enjoyment to participants and, in some cases, entertainment for spectators.
Sporting competitions and tournaments can break down barriers. Sports provide a neutral environment where everyone follows the same rules and no one is judged according to their background. It allows friendships to form and prejudices to be overcome.
Sports are and will always be connected to art. It is an expression of the human spirit. It is human nature to be willing to compete and test one’s limits.
Ahoura Bigdeli is a teenager who has been able to master martial arts and, currently, has been showcasing his abilities through a variety of medals.
Ahoura was born on August 11, 2008. His father is a journalist and an athlete, and his mother is fond of reading books and loves Persian literature – a mother who encouraged her son to read books and memorize Rumi’s poems, and a father who trained him to learn karate professionally.
When he was seven years old, he won first place in a poem-reciting competition among Tehran schools; and when he was eight years old, he had the honor of memorizing and reciting Rumi’s poems for seven continuous minutes in an international conference hall.
Ahoura started karate at the age of four and started learning kata professionally when he was nine.
In the meantime, Ahoura won many karate matches, and when he was 12, his mother motivated him to learn to play the piano.
Ahoura is fond of listening to the sounds of birds and nature. His favorite bird is the cuckoo.
“The combination of art and sports has been very effective in my life. When I play the piano, I feel so strong as if there is a magic power in my fingers and wrists,” Ahoura Bigdeli said.
“I have never gotten tired of playing the piano. I mentally revise the techniques of kata while playing the piano. One time I was imagining myself performing kata techniques while playing Franz Liszt’s La Campanella, and that memory gives me a good feeling, like a sense of achievement in both piano and karate,” Ahoura
I do karate to improve my health and strengthen my self-defense.
Karate is a philosophical sport. True karate is the positive training of both mind and body. Correct karate training raises the instinct of self-preservation. Martial artists are not necessarily violent and aggressive; on the contrary, they are patient and trained to control their temper.
Ahoura has won first place in piano in the Salam Cup National Festival, and second place among all schools in Tehran Province.
Ahoura won first place in the country’s biology scientific competition by presenting an article on brain and nerves about people’s memory and emotion.
Also, he won first place in the international mathematics competition called ‘Kangaroo’.


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