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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty Nine - 19 September 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty Nine - 19 September 2023 - Page 3

Hir village rests atop the heights of Alborz Mountain

The scenic village of Hir is situated in the western part of Alamut Castle. Located approximately 65 kilometers north of Qazvin, the capital city of Qazvin Province, this charming village rests peacefully along the banks of the Ninehrud River. Hir is known for its chilly climate and rugged landscape, making it a perfect destination for nature enthusiasts and avid trekkers.
This picturesque village rests atop the heights of the Alborz Mountains, nestled below a number of magnificent cliffs. Atop these cliffs, visitors can bask in the breathtaking surroundings.
The local community primarily converses in the Tati language, with a distinct Deylami dialect.
The village is the largest producer of cornelian cherries (known as zoqal akhteh in Persian), and its cornelian cherries are considered some of the best in the country. Every year, during the harvest season, the locals in this picturesque village, with its delightful climate, come together to celebrate and express their gratitude with local customs in a festival known as the “Cornelian Cherry Festival”. The festivities include traditional music, folklore, and games unique to the area.
Every year, during late summer, the villagers gather to harvest their crops before spreading them on the rooftops, which adds a unique and vibrant touch to the village. According to locals, an impressive amount of over 200 tons of cornelian cherries are produced annually and subsequently distributed across the country.
Hir village is famously referred to as “Blueberry Village.” Each year, numerous tourists from cities like Tehran, Karaj, Mashhad, Isfahan, and Shiraz, as well as countries like Germany, Austria, and Australia, flock to Hir village to partake in this celebration. However, surprisingly, a considerable number of people, including many from Qazvin, are unaware of this captivating village. It is important to note that in recent years, the village’s reputation has significantly grown, making it more desirable for tourists. As a result, it now attracts a larger number of visitors.
Vagel is a boiling spring of the village with useful and extremely light and unique water. Vagel spring is the source of Ninehrud, a roaring river with cool and refreshing water. And it is also known as the healing river.
The main agricultural products of Hir are cornelian cherries, hazelnuts, walnuts, hawthorn, and rhubarb. The hazelnuts and walnuts from this region are renowned as some of the finest garden products in the country due to their oily nature and delicious taste. Within the village, there exists a thousand-year-old walnut tree, which holds an esteemed position among all the walnut trees. According to the village elders, this tree used to produce an impressive yield of over 200,000 walnuts annually in the past.
In the charming vicinity of the Ninehrud River, you will find two fish farms offering an abundance of fresh fish for purchase. Additionally, you have the opportunity to relish the experience of preparing and cooking your fish over a riverside bonfire.
There exists a strong bond between the residents of the Eshkevarat region in Gilan and the locals of Hir and Viar villages in the western part of Alamut. This enduring relationship has had a profound impact on several aspects, including the dialect of the people in this region and the exchange of goods and services. Furthermore, due to this connection, the inhabitants of Eshkevarat have the convenient option of traveling to the central parts of Iran by passing through these villages. Consequently, Hir village has flourished to become one of the largest villages in western Alamut.


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