IranPlast among biggest polymer expositions in Mideast: NPC

Iran’s International Exhibition of Plastics, Rubber, Machinery and Equipment is one of the biggest polymer expositions in the Middle East, said the National Petrochemical Company investment manager on Friday.
Reza Nekouei added the upcoming 17th edition of the expo, commonly known as IranPlast International Exhibition, is the most important event of supplementary and midstream industries of Iran’s petrochemical sector, Shana reported.
The expo, which has been highly welcomed by domestic and foreign companies, will help promote cooperation between different sections of domestic polymer industry, he mentioned.
The NPC investment manager called for Iranian participants to explore ways of completing value chain and offering products having higher added value and identifying investment capacities through exchanging views with other experts.
Nekouei added the industrialists’ presence in the exhibition will also help Iran achieve its target: 19-million-ton polymer production capacity in 2027.
According to him, foreign investors, mainly from neighboring states, managers of international companies, ambassadors, and economic consultants from different states will visit the expo and hold talks with their Iranian counterparts.
Earlier, the exhibition director, Farid Dousti, announced that 560 domestic and 210 foreign companies will participate in the expo, which be held at the Tehran International Permanent Fairgrounds, from September 17-20.


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