News in Brief

‘Phony charges’ of violating UN resolution rejected

PRESS TV – The permanent mission of Iran to the UN has categorically rejected the “absurd” and “unfounded” claims raised by the US that Tehran has sold drones to Russia for use in the Ukraine war.
The Iranian UN mission, in two identical letters addressed to UN Secretary-General António Guterres and rotating President of the Security Council Ferit Hoxha, said Washington’s cynical attempt to establish an illusory link between the alleged use of drones in the Ukraine conflict and the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015) to accuse Tehran of violating the resolution is “misleading and entirely unfounded.”

Anti-Iran groups accept KRG’s call for disarmament: Report

TASNIM – An informed source said secessionist anti-Iranian groups in northern Iraq have agreed to lay down their arms and leave the areas along the common border between Iran and the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.
The informed political source told Tasnim news agency on Friday that the KRG has practically started the activities to draw the opposition parties away from the Iranian border, denying rumors that the parties have declined to accept the provision of a security agreement between Iraq and Iran, or have plans to take up the option of military action.

Fresh sanctions condemned

PRESS TV – Iran strongly condemned the US and its allies for imposing a slew of fresh sanctions against the country over the defense of its nation’s security in the face of Western-backed riots that spread throughout the country last year.
On Friday, the US, the UK, and the EU sanctioned dozens of Iranian individuals and entities, which they accused of either suppression or misrepresentation of last year’s unrest. Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani denounced the sanctions as “unconstructive behavior,” which was not in line with the Western countries’ own interests.


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