Zagros Mountains, home to various plant and animal species
The ancient and vast plateau of Iran is located at latitudes between 25 and 40 north degrees. It is placed in the dry and semi-dry strip of the Northern Hemisphere.
The 1,300-kilometer Zagros Mountain range extends from northwestern Iran (Iran’s border with Turkey) to the southeast, wrote.
Zagros Mountains have a history of several thousand years; some empires such as the Achaemenid were formed in its vicinity about 2,500 years ago.
Limestone and shale rocks from the Mesozoic Era and Paleogene Period form the most commonly seen geological structural materials of Zagros Mountains. The oldest rocks found there date back to the Precambrian Period.
Ecologically, about 40 percent of the country’s water comes from 5.5 million hectares of forest and ten million hectares of rangeland.
In addition to Iranian oak, there are other exclusive plant species in this mountain range including mountain almond. Its other herbal features include 57 species, subspecies, and varieties of the Rosaceae family that represent the peak of the vegetative evolution of this family on a global scale. About 44 percent of Zagros trees and shrubs have medicinal properties.
Many botanists believe that Iran is one of the main territories for growing tulips. The tulip has 18 species in Iran, four of which are endemic to Iran. There are unique fields of these flowers in the Zagros region and numerous related festivals are held there annually.
Mammal species roam the rocky slopes of Zagros Mountains including the Persian leopard, the Syrian brown bear, bezoar ibex, and striped hyena and Persian red squirrel. Lithely leaping among branches of oaks, beautiful Persian squirrels make their homes in the oldest and tallest trees; skilled swimmers and competent climbers, they boast luxuriant tails of a splendid russet red.
Finally, in the midst of this mountain range, there live many tribes and cultures that have their own language, customs and traditions.
Mount Dena
The highest point in the mountain range is Mount Dena, with an elevation of 14,465 feet (4,409 meters), located in the middle of the Zagros Mountains. Passes through the mountains are used for reaching the fertile intermontane plains, which lie at elevations above 5,000 feet (1,500 meters).
Gahar Lake
Gahar Lake is one of the best sights of Lorestan Province and one of the largest freshwater lakes in Iran. This lake, with its beautiful nature and clear water, attracts every tourist, especially since it is one of the best places to catch trout.