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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty Five - 12 September 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty Five - 12 September 2023 - Page 2

Leader: US targets Iran’s national unity, security

Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said Iran’s enemies, mainly the United States, have targeted two points they deemed the weakest; one is Iran’s national unity, the other is its national security.
Calling for Iranians to stand against this plan of the enemy, he stressed that to be united means to put aside religious, political, group, and ethnic differences where the interests of the nation are at stake, Press TV reported.
“Those who threaten national security are the enemies of the nation; they work for the enemy, whether they realize it or not,” the Leader added in a meeting with thousands of people from the provinces of Sistan and Baluchestan and South Khorasan in Tehran on Monday.
The US, he said, is working on ethnic and sectarian fault lines in Iran with the aim of creating a crisis in the country.
“Our intel tells us that Washington has created a crisis group with the mission to search for points that they think can be used to provoke a crisis in Iran.”
“After conducting studies and contemplating, they have concluded that there are several crisis points in Iran: ethnic differences, religious differences, and the issue of gender and women, which should be provoked to create a crisis,” the Leader explained.

Big global change coming
However, he said, the arrogant US and some European countries have weakened themselves “and will become weaker”.
He maintained the world is on the threshold or the beginning stages of a transformation, which includes the weakening of the arrogant powers. Iran’s Leader advised regional nations not to be indifferent toward the incoming “big change” as they were during the colonial era or after the First World War.
Ayatollah Khamenei partly attributed the unfolding transformation to the emergence of new regional and global powers and partly to Washington’s tendency to interfere in other states.
“The United States used to interfere in various governments, but not so much right now. Today, it has to start a hybrid war in order to hit the governments that it wants to hit, which is very costly for it, and will not work out in the end.”
The Leader called the US failure in Syria and its humiliating escape from Afghanistan as two obvious examples of the decline of American power.
“One of other most telling indicators of the decline of the US power is the decline of its strong economy, which they themselves attest.”
As for the decline of Europe, the situation is no better, he stated.
“You hear how the African countries that were once under the influence of France are rising against it one after another,” the Leader said.
Nevertheless, “when we say the enemy is becoming weak, it doesn’t mean that it cannot plot, be hostile, and strike,” Ayatollah Khamenei stressed.

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