Malaysians celebrate National Day in Tehran

Malaysians in Tehran marked the 66th National Day and 60th Malaysia Day on Tuesday at the residence of Malaysian Ambassador to Tehran Khairi bin Omar.
Both days are significant for Malaysians as August 31 marks independence from colonial rule, while September 16 marks the date when the peninsular states of Malaya merged with Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore to form Malaysia in 1963.
The ceremony titled “Malaysia Rangarang” was participated by a number of senior officials including ambassadors of some other countries as well as officials from Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The ambassador of Malaysia welcomed the participants and briefed them on the occasion and he also pointed to the good relations between both states.
Malaysia has been one of Iran’s friends since the start of their political relations following the independence of Malaya as both countries are members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) which have used these frameworks to develop political ties.
The journey towards Malaysia’s independence was led by its first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, along with a delegation of ministers and political leaders. They engaged in negotiations with the British to secure the country’s freedom.


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