Iran-Turkey seven-month trade surpasses $3b

Trade between Iran and Turkey in the first seven months of 2023 reached $3.025 billion, according to the latest figures released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT).
The figure shows a 21-percent drop compared to corresponding figure of 2022, as Iran’s trade with the neighboring country stood at $3.846 billion in January-July 2022, Tasnim News Agency reported.
According to TURKSTAT, Turkey’s exports to Iran from January to July 2023 reached $1.663 billion, recording a two percent decrease compared to last year’s corresponding period.
Turkey exported over $1.701 billion worth of products to the Islamic Republic in the first seven months of 2022.
Turkey’s imports from Iran also registered a 36 percent decline and fell from $2.145 billion in January to July 2022, to $1.362 billion in the first seven months of 2023.
Based on the data previously released by the Turkish Statistical Institute, the value of Iran’s exports to Turkey increased by 19 percent, to reach $3.35 billion in 2022.


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