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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Seven - 31 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Seven - 31 August 2023 - Page 7

Climate change a matter ...

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Calculating the exact death toll caused by climate change is challenging due to various factors involved. Environmental conditions already claim about 13 million lives annually according to the United Nations, but it’s unclear how many are directly or indirectly related to climate change. Abnormal temperatures alone might be responsible for up to five million annual deaths, although other estimates are lower.
Climate change affects different aspects like crop failures, droughts, floods, extreme weather events, wildfires, and rising sea levels – all impacting human lives in complex ways. Predicting future casualties from these catastrophes is inherently imperfect work; however, researchers argue that measuring emissions in terms of potential human lives lost helps people understand and emphasizes our urgent need for action.
To illustrate this point further, Pearce and Parncutt, in their publication ‘Quantifying Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Human Deaths to Guide Energy Policy’, applied their estimation method to Australia’s Adani Carmichael coalmine – expected to become the world’s largest coalmine. If all its reserves are burned, it could cause about three million premature deaths. These victims would largely be children living primarily in developing nations. The authors stress that burning such vast amounts of coal will almost certainly lead to future fatalities.
It’s important to note that the ‘1000-ton rule’ does not account for possible climate feedback loops, which could worsen the environmental consequences of carbon emissions. This estimation is a conservative best estimate and leaves room for even more dire scenarios.
Facing this challenging reality is crucial for both the public and policymakers. As climate scientists continue to model future outcomes, it is essential that we acknowledge these predictions and take immediate action to avoid catastrophic consequences.

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