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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Seven - 31 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Seven - 31 August 2023 - Page 5

News in Brief

Washington to send $250m in weapons to Ukraine

AP – The Biden administration announced Tuesday it will send an additional $250 million in weapons and ammunition to Ukraine as part of its ongoing support of Kyiv.
The weapons will be drawn from existing US stockpiles and will include mine-clearing equipment, artillery and rocket rounds, ambulances and medical gear, among other items and spare parts, according to the State Department.

Spain’s PM rejects to back premiership bid

REUTERS – Spain’s acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Wednesday rejected a request from Alberto Nunez Feijoo, leader of the conservatives, to support him in a vote to form a government and will instead seek a new term himself, his Socialist Party said.
Feijoo’s People’s Party won the most seats in the July 23 elections, but came short of a working majority and is trying to garner enough support in the lower house.
He had asked Sanchez, a Socialist, in a meeting earlier on Wednesday to back him for at least two years in exchange for policy pacts. In a document handed to Sanchez, Feijoo had said a two-year government pact could be extended if both parties agreed. Legislatures last four years in Spain.


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