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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Seven - 31 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Seven - 31 August 2023 - Page 4

Iran’s nuclear tech has overcome ‘20 years of sabotage’

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) said the country has managed to advance its nuclear technology despite facing two decades of industrial sabotage.
“Assassination of [Iran’s nuclear] scientists, sanctions, psychological operations, and recourse to international organizations to exert more pressure on Iran...none could impede the advancement of the country’s nuclear science,” Mohammad Eslami said on Tuesday, Press TV reported.
Israel has assassinated as many as seven Iranian nuclear scientists and targeted Iran’s nuclear installations on several occasions with its terrorist attacks.
In line with its attempts to cast Iran’s nuclear energy program in a bad light, Israel’s officials have, one after another, also been running a raucous propaganda campaign to sabotage the Islamic Republic’s nuclear activities.
This is while, the Israeli regime itself is the Middle East region’s sole possessor of nuclear weapons that has — thanks to the support of its oldest and strongest ally, the United States — evaded joining the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Eslami reminisced how Iran’s enemies would “resort to saber-rattling every day, saying they would attack the country’s nuclear facilities”.
Today, however, Iran’s nuclear energy has assumed a leading global status, and the enemies “cannot tolerate this,” he added.
The enemy is opposed to the prosperity and calm of Iranians, the country’s nuclear chief stated, advising Tehran to invest stronger, more expedient, and more integrated efforts toward further enabling its nuclear advancement.
He pointed out that the country is now among the world’s top producers of radiopharmaceuticals, heavy water, and semiconductors.
“Today, by God’s grace, we have achieved everything in the field of nuclear technology,” Eslami said, ascribing the progress to “ardor and round-the-clock endeavor”.
He also noted that Iran’s nuclear science has served as a propeller for all of its industries.

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