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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Six - 30 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Six - 30 August 2023 - Page 7

Half of Tehran residents’ complaints are about an irritating phenomenon

Detrimental effects of noise pollution on our health

It is no secret that air pollution has turned into Tehran’s public enemy number one. It’s the talk of the town more than half of the year, especially in recent years, as pollution levels have risen. Yet, another, perhaps equally dangerous kind of pollution gets hardly any attention: noise pollution.
However, yesterday, the head of the urban planning commission in Tehran’s City Council highlighted the importance of addressing noise pollution as a major concern for citizens.
During a public meeting, Mehdi Abbasi said that feedback from citizens received through the ‘137 plus’ telephone system over the past year indicated various issues related to urban planning. Among these concerns, residential construction causing noise pollution, hindrances caused by construction activities, and ensuring safety during demolition were most frequently complained about. In fact, 51 percent of all messages received were related to noise pollution, according to ISNA.
To address this issue and respond to citizens’ priorities, an order was issued in April 2021 regarding regulations on construction workshops. Abbasi requested that the Tehran Municipality carefully consider and implement the guidelines stated in this announcement.
Abbasi further emphasized that by adhering to these regulations and with efforts from the Tehran Municipality, they hope to witness a decrease in complaints regarding noise pollution.
Also, Mehdi Chamran, head of the council, added that while air pollution has been a longstanding concern in Tehran, less attention has been given to noise pollution. In response to this issue during their fourth term at City Council meetings, it was decided that a maximum limit of 60 decibels should be considered for noise pollution in Tehran; however, this limit was increased to 70 decibels after being submitted for government approval.
In bustling Tehran, in the midst of constant hum and buzz of activity, we often overlook noise pollution, which is a significant threat to our well-being. While it may seem harmless, or even unavoidable, excessive noise can have detrimental effects on both our physical and mental health. To truly appreciate the need for silence in urban environments, let us explore the dangers posed by noise pollution.
Firstly, prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can lead to various health issues. Studies have shown that continuous exposure to loud noises can cause stress, elevate blood pressure, and disrupt sleep patterns. This not only affects our daily lives but also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Moreover, persistent exposure to noise pollution has been linked to hearing loss and impaired cognitive function over time.
Furthermore, excessive noise can negatively impact mental well-being. Constant background noise from traffic, construction sites, or even crowded public spaces can increase feelings of irritability and anxiety among individuals trying to find solace within their cityscape. It hampers concentration levels and productivity at work, or while studying—ultimately hindering overall performance.
Noise pollution also interferes with social connections within communities. Excessive sound limits meaningful interactions between neighbors or friends since communication becomes challenging due to raised voices being drowned out by surrounding clamor. Additionally, recreational activities like enjoying parks or simply relaxing outdoors become less appealing when tranquility is disrupted by an incessant racket.
But what can we do about a problem that seems to be out of our control? To mitigate these risks associated with noise pollution in cities, embracing moments of silence becomes crucial for our well-being:
We can create quiet zones by designating certain areas within cities where peace reigns supreme. This allows individuals seeking respite from relentless commotion a chance to unwind without disturbance.
Additionally, authorities can implement stricter regulations regarding permissible decibel levels at construction sites or public events.
Another crucial step that can be taken is promoting green spaces. Increasing the number of parks and gardens within urban areas provides an opportunity to escape the noise-filled concrete jungle and enjoy moments of tranquility surrounded by nature.
And finally, awareness must be raised about the dangers of excessive noise. Educating citizens about the detrimental effects of noise pollution empowers individuals to take responsibility for reducing unnecessary noise in their surroundings.
It is important to remember that silence is not merely the absence of sound; it holds immense value in our lives. By acknowledging the dangers posed by noise pollution and advocating for quieter environments, we can create cities that are more conducive to our overall well-being, where silence becomes a cherished commodity rather than an elusive luxury.


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