Iran exports aquatic products to China, Russia

Iran’s aquatics export has found its way to Chinese and Russian markets, said Seyyed Hossein Hosseini, the head of Iranian Fisheries Organization (IFO).
Iran produces 1.352 million tons of fishery products per annum, of which 751,000 tons pertains to fishing and 601,000 tons in the field of aquaculture in the Middle East, the official noted, according to IRNA.
Iran ranks first in aquatic protein production in the region, and ranks second among 32 countries in the field of offshore fishing in the Indian Ocean, using 800 vessels, with about 170,000 tons, Hosseini added.
“We enjoy suitable structures and infrastructure in fishing with 227 crossing points, 70 fishing ports, 120 unloading docks and 37 public docks, 98 percent of which were built after the Islamic revolution of Iran [1979],” the official stated.
Hosseini added that the sea is divided into three parts: shallow, deep, and surface waters, in which there is excessive fishing in shallow water, as if we do not take overharvesting seriously, it leads to a serious challenge in the future.

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