Raeisi: Iran eyes raising trade with LatAm, ASEAN nations

In meetings with a number of new foreign ambassadors to Tehran, Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi expressed Iran’s willingness to broaden economic and trade relations with other countries, particularly with nations of Latin America and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
The president on Sunday received the credentials of the new ambassadors of Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Angola, and Cambodia at separate meetings in Tehran, according to Tasnim news agency.
The president highlighted ample opportunities for the promotion of trade ties between Iran and Ecuador, called for the removal of obstacles to cooperation with Peru, and voiced Iran’s readiness to share its experiences with Colombia in the fight against drug trafficking.

The Western hegemonic powers are the main sponsors and supporters of drug production and trade, Raeisi warned.
In his meeting with the new Cambodian envoy, the president said Iran is willing to broaden ties with ASEAN and strengthen regional interaction with its members, including Cambodia.
In another meeting, Raeisi hailed the friendly relations between Iran and Angola, stressing the need for plans to enhance the economic and trade cooperation between the two nations.
The ambassador of Ecuador noted, “The two countries have very good capacities for interaction with each other, and Ecuador is interested in cooperating in the fields of medicine, industry, technology, and science with Iran.”
The non-resident ambassador of the Republic of Peru also conveyed the warm greetings of the president of his country to Raeisi, saying, “In addition to the missions assigned by my country, due to the deep historical and civilizational roots of Iran and Peru, I am interested and have strong personal motivations to strengthen the relationship between the two countries.”

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