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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Six - 19 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Six - 19 August 2023 - Page 4

A photographer’s journey ignited by Stanley Kubrick

By Mostafa Shirmohammadi

Staff writer
In the heart of Iran’s bustling streets, a passionate soul named Amin Qolipour emerged as a steadfast observer of life through the lens of his camera. With a spark ignited from childhood, Amin, a 48-year-old freelance photographer, had been nurturing an unwavering love for both photography and cinema since his earliest memories. Cinema’s enchanting tales had captivated him, but it was a single moment that transformed his adoration into a life-altering pursuit.
During the 1980s, an Iranian TV program about cinema showcased the brilliance of Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’ Amin was fascinated as Kubrick’s masterful use of the one-point perspective in his shots painted a world of depth and wonder before him.
“That was the moment I fell head over heels for photography,” Amin recalled, his eyes lighting up as he recounted the turning point. The technique Kubrick employed, framing a central point with precision, resonated deeply with Amin’s parallel love for filmmaking. The seeds of his journey were sown that day, destined to blossom into a lifelong passion.
One of his uncles shared his fervor for photography with Amin when he gave the young boy a professional camera that would become his steadfast companion. Armed with this newfound tool, Amin soon emerged as the sole photographer among his friends.
Among the moments fixed permanently in the photographer’s memory are the roaring of fighter jets, F5s and F14s, soaring overhead in a dazzling display at an Iranian Air Force aerial show. His camera captured the powerful aircrafts in all their glory.
In 2007, a revolutionary shift occurred with the emergence of camera phones. A Nokia N95 transformed Amin’s days into a visual adventure, with his lens taking up to 300 moments daily – people crossing the streets, architectural marvels touching the sky, and countless structures that told stories through their silent forms.
“I’m like a hunter, waiting for that perfect instant to seize the essence of what I see. I’m a ‘documentary photographer,” Amin said, highlighting his dedication to capture life’s candid stories.  
With the advent of social media, particularly Instagram, Amin found a platform to share his vision with the world. Though he had never sought the title of “photographer,” the digital realm granted him recognition. However, it was an encounter with Iranian war photographer, Sasan Moayedi, who sealed Amin’s self-perception. Encouraged by Moayedi’s endorsement, he embraced the title he had hesitated to claim before.

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