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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Six - 19 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Six - 19 August 2023 - Page 2

IRGC countered West’s ...


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Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to a summit of senior officials from the US, UK, France, and Germany on the French island of Guadeloupe just before the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
At that point, he added, they had concluded it was “impossible” to save the US-backed Pahlavi regime in Iran.
Nevertheless, they adopted a strategy of “sequential crises” in the hope of destabilizing any new government in Iran, the Leader said, recounting the series of crises, riots, security threats, and extensive acts of terrorism that marked the early phase of the Islamic Revolution.
Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted that evidence obtained from the former US embassy in Iran also revealed that these incidents aligned with the West’s deliberate strategy of instigating consecutive crises within Iran.
The Leader commended the IRGC for its exceptional efforts, noting that the elite force effectively thwarted all those crises, safeguarding the Iranian people from their repercussions.
Therefore, he warned of enemies’ attempts to tarnish the image of the IRGC and Basij volunteer forces.
“Why is that? Because the IRGC is awe-inspiring, and Basij is impressive, which makes them (enemies) worried and anxious,” the Leader stated.
The last meeting between Ayatollah Khamenei and senior IRGC commanders was held some four years ago with the presence of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s top anti-terror general who was assassinated by the United States a few months after the meeting.
Enemies have no way of tarnishing the reputation of the IRGC other than through “false news, rumors and all kinds of tricks and ploys,” the Leader added, praising the IRGC elite force as “the world’s biggest anti-terrorism organization”.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi also hailed the role that the IRGC has played in the fight against terrorism in the region, noting that European countries would have been dominated by Daesh terrorists without IRGC’s efforts.
Addressing the second day of the Supreme Assembly of Commanders of the IRGC on Friday in Tehran, Raeisi said, “The peaceful life Europe enjoys today is a result of the efforts of the IRGC.”
However, he added, it is unfortunate that they are assassinating the heroes who combat terrorism and labeling the IRGC, which leads the fight against terrorism, as terrorists, adding that this raises important questions that international organizations must address.
The IRGC was established on April 22, 1979, by the founder of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Khomeini as a paramilitary organization tasked with protecting the newborn Islamic Republic.
The IRGC has made great sacrifices in the fight against terror outfits operating in the region.

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