Export of medicinal plants requires proper processing for development: Official

The development and improvement of medicinal plant exports in the central Iranian province of Isfahan requires proper processing as well as increasing active units in the area since the province is one of the most promising areas in the cultivation and production of herbal medicine plants, said Ahmadreza Raieszadeh, the horticultural affairs deputy of Isfahan Agriculture Organization.
The official stated that 60 out of 80 species of medicinal plants cultivated across the country can be produced in the province, noting that Isfahan stands at fifth place in developing these types of plants, IRNA reported.
He added that about 2,000 traditional units along with about 30 industrial units are active in processing, packaging and exporting medicinal plants, with a total production of 65,000 tons.
Raieszadeh concluded that the export of medicinal plants of the province during the year to March 20 included flowers and buds of the rose, licorice, rose water, herbal extracts, shallots, and saffron, with a total weight of 1,196 tons, worth $2 million.


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