Iranian SWO to unveil nationwide program promoting mental health among the elderly

The deputy of counseling and psychological affairs at the Center for Development and Prevention of Iranian State Welfare Organization (SWO) has announced the implementation of a plan called ‘Psychological Well-Being of Pre-Old Age and Old Age’.
Masoumeh Tavakoli highlighted that ageing is a global phenomenon affecting all countries, with projections indicating that there will be approximately 1.5 billion elderly individuals worldwide by 2050. She further stated that this significant number brings its own set of challenges, ISNA reported.
“In Iran, it is expected that the elderly population will reach 18 million by 2050 based on current population growth trends,” she said.
Tavakoli emphasized the importance of valuing old age as a precious period in people’s lives.
“One way to care for the elderly is by prioritizing their physical health along with other aspects of their well-being. Health should not be limited to physical health alone; mental health plays a crucial role as well,” she said.
The World Health Organization defines health as having diverse capabilities to fulfill various roles rather than solely focusing on physical well-being.
According to Tavakoli, common psychological symptoms observed among older adults, especially in Iran, include depression, anxiety, psychosomatic symptoms, and feelings of futility. In old age, these issues become more prominent as individuals also face increased physical weaknesses and challenges which may lead them to withdraw from society.
She emphasized that any actions taken regarding old age should prioritize preventive measures aimed at reducing constant care needs while avoiding expensive and continuous medical services.
Taking this approach into consideration, a plan focused on psychological well-being during pre-old age and old age has been developed. This experimental plan aims to implement preventive measures through components such as awareness campaigns, training programs, screening procedures, and capacity building efforts. The project was initially piloted in two provinces: Khorasan Razavi and Fars. Results from these pilots have been analyzed successfully leading towards plans for a wider implementation across the country. Additionally, six educational packages have been designed for different groups within this plan.
Tavakoli highlighted the importance of considering the elderly as part of a family or welfare center complex. The educational plan encompasses all individuals involved in the care and support of the elderly.
In total, 6,000 elderly individuals were examined and screened as part of this project. Families received training, and supplementary courses were conducted for specialists due to the relatively new focus on psychological services for older adults in Iran. A total of 236 professionals received the necessary training to contribute effectively to this process.


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