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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Four - 16 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Four - 16 August 2023 - Page 4

News in Brief

Holy Qur’an desecrated again in Sweden

TASNIM – A copy of the Qur’an was desecrated again in Sweden’s capital on Monday as two men kicked and burned portions of the Muslim holy book.
The incident, which took place near the Royal Palace, unfolded with a substantial police presence.
Following the desecration, under police escort, the two men left the area.

Albania imposes exit ban on MKO terrorist ringleader

MEHR – In continuation of the Albanian government’s restrictions on the Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist cult, it was announced on Tuesday that the group’s chieftain has been banned from leaving the country.
After the media reported a few days ago that Maryam Rajavi was banned from entering Albania, where the camp of the terrorist MKO is located, the media cited informed security sources on Tuesday that the MKO chieftain is also banned from leaving Albania if she enters the country. Rajavi, who has a record of entering Albania from unofficial borders, has now faced an exit ban.

London should ‘admit role’ in 1953 coup

THE GUARDIAN – David Owen, a former British foreign secretary, said the UK should finally acknowledge its leading role in the 1953 coup that toppled the democratically-elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq.
The US formally admitted its role 10 years ago with the declassification of a large volume of intelligence documents, which made clear that the ousting of Mosaddeq 70 years ago this week was a joint CIA-MI6 endeavour.



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