PBO: Iran oil revenues up 42% since spring

The head of Iran’s Plan and Budget Organization (PBO) said on Tuesday that the country’s oil revenues have increased 42 percent since the beginning of the current Iranian year (March 21).
Speaking in Parliament, Davoud Manzour added, “As stipulated in the budget law, more than 1.4 million barrels of oil and gas condensates are exported per day,” Shana reported.
He hailed the constructive cooperation between the Parliament and the government and also between the Parliament’s Plan, Budget and Audit Committee and the PBO.
On Monday, Iran’s Oil Minister Javad Owji said his country’s crude output has reached 3.19 million barrels per day, while one billion cubic meters of gas are produced per day, adding that Iran’s oil production capacity stands at 3.85m bpd.


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