‘August 14’ is day of Pakistanis’ true desire for freedom

By Syed Ali Hassan
Iran Daily’s correspondent in Pakistan
Ali Vardi Khan, the grandfather of Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula, conducted a regular war with the British in 1754 and defeated them. Calcutta’s Diamond Harbor and Fort William were the center of the British. Ali Vardi Khan attacked Fort William and drove the British away. And it can be called an armed war of independence. After Ali Vardi Khan, his grandson became the ruler and felt the threat that the British were slowly dominating his country and it was necessary to expel them from the country, but the British made a conspiracy and killed him in Murshidabad.
There is a description of the battle of Plassey in 1757 and the battle of Buxar in 1764. This battle also ended in the defeat of the Indians, after which the British completely dominated Bengal, Bihar and
Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi writes that Fateh Ali Khan Tipu Sultan tried to persuade the kings, maharajas and nawabs of India to go to war with the British.
And throughout his life, he was engaged in fierce fighting with the British. It was almost like all the plans of the British would fail and they would be completely expelled, but the British brought South India princes on board, and finally, this king, on May 4, 1799, died in the battle of Saringapatnam. He preferred death over British slavery and captivity.
In the war of independence of 1857, the people of India rebelled against the British army, regardless of religion and nation. The old king of India, Bahadur Shah Zafar, thought it better to surrender to the British than to wage jihad on the battlefield, but he was exiled and had to see the severed heads of the son.
In 1884, the Muslims of India began to participate in the freedom struggle alongside the Hindus, but they soon realized that the Hindu majority was dreaming of ruling over the Muslims in the event of the success of the struggle against the British.
In such circumstances, Muslim leaders established the India Muslim League to protect the Muslims from the slavery of the Hindus after the liberation of the British and declared independence for the Muslim-majority region under the two-nation theory. It was done in order to provide protection to the Muslims in the Hindu-majority areas.
Pakistan became independent on August 14, 1947, but not a year had passed since the establishment of Pakistan, when the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah died. The military establishment of Pakistan surrendered in East Pakistan in 1971 and formed Bangladesh, the politicians of Pakistan succeeded in creating a unified constitution in 1973 and tried to create a door to martial law, but then In 1979, General Zia-ul-Haq again imposed martial law and dismantled the constitution of Pakistan.
Today, Pakistan is going through the most difficult times, the economy is in ruins, political forces are scattered and the people are waiting for a visionary leader like Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to achieve true freedom.


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