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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Two - 14 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Two - 14 August 2023 - Page 7

News in Brief

Low income groups to be treated for free: Minister

All inpatient and outpatient services will be provided free of charge in government health centers and hospitals for the three lowest income groups in society, announced the Minister of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education.
Bahram Einollahi also stated that previously, the five lowest income groups were covered by free insurance, according to IRNA.
Moving forward, the first three income groups will have access to both free insurance and complimentary inpatient and outpatient services at medical centers and government hospitals.
He further mentioned that the government will cover 100 percent of the insurance premium for individuals within these income groups.
Einollahi emphasized that population rejuvenation is a top priority for the Ministry of Health. As Iran faces potential challenges related to an aging population in the future, measures are being taken to promote rejuvenation of the population. Special facilities for childbearing have been designated specifically for married students studying medical sciences.

Caspian seal found dead on Caspian Sea coast

A deceased Caspian seal was discovered on the beach of Juybar city in Mazandaran Province.
The local department of the environment unit dispatched officials to investigate the cause of death for this marine animal, IRNA reported.
The Caspian seal is a rare species of marine mammal that exclusively inhabits the Caspian Sea, as well as rivers such as Volga and Ural in Russia. This particular species requires international support due to factors like overfishing, unfavorable living conditions, and a significant decline in population.
Typically found in the southern waters of the Caspian Sea, including Iran during summer, spring, and autumn seasons, these seals migrate towards icy regions in the northern parts of the sea to give birth.


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